Showing posts with label Water standards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water standards. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What's that water you're drinking?

After climb walking the stairs for the ALA Climb Greenville, I was very dazed.  While I was sitting, I read the label of the bottled water was I gulping down.  Like I said I was dazed for about 30 minutes, okay?  It turns out that bottled water is regulated by the FDA (more here) and EPA.  Why am I not surprised?  Just know that the labels and descriptions are actually defined by them.  BTW, the word "fresh" on bottles is undefined, that is, it can be used, but it is like saying any other adjective, like "yellow".  It has no official meaning and so should essentially be ignored as a unsubstantiated sales pitch.

Your very thirsty Allergy Dude
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