Allergy Dude is always striving to do his part to improve the quality and quantity of the lives of those with asthma. The 2020 Healthy Peoples Objectives for Asthma are reprinted below for ease of reading and speed (due to the slow loading pages from the CDC). These objectives were established in 1979 and then renewed in 1980 as 10-year objectives. Note that as I provide my efficient care for my patients with asthma, part 7, this directly contributes to goals 1-6 on an individual basis and for general society. I am also going to make yet another unsolicited plus for a healthy lifestyle and body weight. Keep these (part 7) in mind when you assess the quality of your asthma care.
1. Reduce asthma deaths for all age groups
2. Reduce hospitalizations for asthma for all age groups
3. Reduce hospital emergency department visits for asthma for all age groups
4. Reduce activity limitations among persons with current asthma
5. Reduce the proportion of persons with asthma who miss school or work days
6. Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who receive formal patient education.
7.0 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who receive appropriate asthma care according to National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines:
7.1 Persons with current asthma who receive written asthma management plans from their health care provider
7.2 Persons with current asthma with prescribed inhalers who receive instruction on their use
7.3 Persons with current asthma who receive education about appropriate response to an asthma episode, including recognizing early signs and symptoms or monitoring peak flow results
7.4 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who do not use more than one canister of short-acting inhaled beta agonist per month.
7.5 Persons with current asthma who have been advised by a health professional to change things in their home, school, and work environments to reduce exposure to irritants or allergens to which they are sensitive.
7.6 Persons with current asthma who have had at least one routine follow-up visit in the past 12 months.
7.7 Persons with current asthma whose doctor assessed their asthma control in the past 12 months.
7.8 Adults with current asthma who have discussed with a doctor or other health professional whether their asthma was work related.
8. Increase the numbers of States, Territories, and the District of Columbia with a comprehensive asthma surveillance system for tracking asthma cases, illness, and disability at the State level.