Showing posts with label Swine Flu Epidemic Update 37. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swine Flu Epidemic Update 37. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2010

Swine Flu Epidemic Update 37

We're not done with swine flu in the U.S. yet, according to the C.D.C.  Influenza-like activity is still active in the Southeast.  Yikes, this means me.  I'm not in Topeka, I mean Chicago, any more.  People haven't taken action, despite all the talk about this being the BIG ONE, a pandemic like the movie I am Legend.  Now for some instructive data from the C.D.C.  Nationally, the median vaccination rate for the general population was 23.9%, for 36.8% for 6months to 18 years old (yes, we do love our kids), but for adults only 20.1% (yes we do hate ourselves).  Furthermore, we health care providers have definitely been doing a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do talk.  "By mid-January 2010, estimated vaccination coverage among HCP was 37.1% for 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) and 61.9% for seasonal influenza. Overall, 64.3% received either of these influenza vaccines, higher coverage than any previous season, but only 34.7% of HCP reported receiving BOTH vaccines,"per the C.D.C.  Twice the average for the general population, but hardly a model consistency.  [BTW, I was in the 34.7%.]  The story gets worse.  About 71.5 million doses are ready to expire in the next month or so (about 23% of the population) and so must be disposed of.  There goes our tax dollars.  Not that it wasn't a good idea to get ready.  We citizens didn't follow through.  The remaining doses will expire later this year (53%),  Now we're talking about big, big-time waste!

So the bottom line is: we're not out of the woods yet, you un-vaccinated-ones go get your vaccinations and so kindly contribute to our collective herd immunity.  Thank you!
Your Allergy Dude
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