Showing posts with label Health Care Reform 2: Common Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Care Reform 2: Common Goals. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Health Care Reform 2: Common Goals

I'd like to reprint some priorities you should think about when you evaluate the confusing, long-winded, and very obscure proposals coming from Washington, D.C. The priorities are courtesy of Robert Doherty, an advocate for the American College of Physicians. I'll say up front that this group represents adult specialists or internists, of which I am a board certified member of Fellow rank.
1. Prohibit insurance companies from cherry-picking patients
2. Providing sliding scale subsidies as refundable tax-credits to those who cannot get or afford employer coverage
3. Allowing individuals and small businesses to buy coverage through a group purchasing pool, similar to that offered to federal employees
4. Covering prevention and wellness
5. Streamlining health plan administration
6. Offering scholarships, loan forgiveness and higher Medicare payments to grow the number of primary care physicians
7. Ending the cycle of annual Medicare SGR payment cuts
8. Reducing the costs and inefficiencies of our wasteful and unfair medical liability system by reform.
I thought this was a good summary. I've been asked a lot about what I think will happen. If I could tell the future, I would have devoted more of my "talent" to becoming a billionaire with the stock market. Please try to stay informed, talk to your representatives, and vote.
Neil "The Allergy Dude" Kao
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