Allergy Dude
here. There are times when patients have asked me (and times when they have not)
about places for information on smoking cessation. I recommend several sites
for free assistance about smoking cessation:
1. American Lung Association2. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC)
3. National Cancer Institute
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
5. others can be found by a simple web search
When asked for my professional opinion, I always
recommend the same thing: stop smoking. I know this is hard. The bottom line is
that you have to really, really want to quit. I have known people to quit
without any aids (i.e., cold turkey), the dramatic example being those who quit
after having had a heart attack. For obvious reasons, that should be major league
About 80% of people attempt to quit cold turkey. Some
patients ask me about using other methods. I
can't say that my patients have had any greater success with one particular
method. In my practice, I offer choices to smokers, and try to work with
them. When they say they want a medication that will help them stop smoking or
reduce the craving, there is a glaring problem. Meds cost money and are usually
not covered by insurance companies. (Shame on them, but there’s reality for
you.) It is good if your physicians are trying to get the smokers to cease
their unhealthy—and expensive—habit at every opportunity. For example, Allergy Dude's patients know to
expect that at least one minute of every office visit will be spent discussing
the evils of smoking before being harassed into quitting.
If you've managed to quit, congratulations. If you are trying to quit, read up about all the types of cancers, lung diseases, and heart diseases. Every type of cancer, alone, is more frequent if you smoke. If that’s not enough motivation, consider how much money you're wasting every day, for years on end. As of last July, 2013, one pack of cigarettes in New York was about $14.50/day. Per year, that’s $5,292.50. In one decade, that’s $52,925. I don’t know about you, but to me, that’s a lot of money. I personally would rather spend the money on ten years worth of Caribbean cruises, or maybe a trip (or nine) to New Zealand. Start saving—your money and your life. Quit now!
Updated: April 6, 2014
If you've managed to quit, congratulations. If you are trying to quit, read up about all the types of cancers, lung diseases, and heart diseases. Every type of cancer, alone, is more frequent if you smoke. If that’s not enough motivation, consider how much money you're wasting every day, for years on end. As of last July, 2013, one pack of cigarettes in New York was about $14.50/day. Per year, that’s $5,292.50. In one decade, that’s $52,925. I don’t know about you, but to me, that’s a lot of money. I personally would rather spend the money on ten years worth of Caribbean cruises, or maybe a trip (or nine) to New Zealand. Start saving—your money and your life. Quit now!
Updated: April 6, 2014