Showing posts with label Astepro 0.15% Approval. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astepro 0.15% Approval. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

FDA Approval of Astepro 0.15% Nasal Spray

I was just told about the 9/2/09 approval of Astepro 0.15% nasal spray for the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis. Currently Astepro 0.10% nasal spray is already approved. Technically the only difference is the higher concentration. Honestly, I'm not too excited. This is a higher strength product that has been approved for providing relief for a longer period of time. If the same studies were done with the 0.10%, once daily dosing might have been approved too. Marketing will begin soon. The peak of the weed season historically is today. If you have symptoms, please follow the normal, proven game plan. Educate yourself, reduce your exposure, take all meds as directed, and if you don't get relief, then consult with your physician. If you still don't get relief, then find yourself an "Allergy Dude" like me.

Addendum: 10/25/09.  I apologize for the inaccuracies in the earlier posting.  I think I have corrected them.  NK
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