Showing posts with label Graph of pollen and mold counts Greenville SC 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graph of pollen and mold counts Greenville SC 2008. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2008

Graph of pollen and mold counts for Greenville, South Carolina

This is an overview of the pollen (tree, grass, weed) and mold counts for Greenville, SC in 2008 (for 180 days) up to August 11th. The first horizontal line on each graph represents what is considered high allergen counts.

Tree pollen counts (early spring). The peak is usually in early April. This year's tree pollen counts were normal in onset, peak, and duration compared to my historical records for the past ten years.
Grass pollen season (late spring). The peak is usually in mid-May. Because this closely follows tree pollen, the combination makes spring allergy season unusually long and severe in South Carolina. This year's grass pollen season was normal for onset, peak, and longer by 1 week for duration compared to my historical records for the past seven years.
Weed pollen counts (fall). The counts usually begin to climb rapidly in the second half of August, then they peak in mid-September and trail off through all of October.

Mold counts (perennial). Mold spores can be counted every day, suggesting that mold is a perennial allergen in South Carolina. In fact, the count is minimal from early December to the end of January.

Click on this link if you would like to see these counts on the National Allergy Bureau's website or the pollen counts for other cities. Click if you want to see how Greenville, SC ranks as as an Allergy Capital each spring and fall.
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