Showing posts with label Insurance Companies Clinical Policies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insurance Companies Clinical Policies. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2010

What do Insurance Companies Think about Allergy Skin Testing?

Ever wonder what insurances think about tests for diseases and various treatments? They are called "Clinical Policies".  Every insurance company has them.  They do not publicize them.  I know for a fact that 99.99% of even doctors have never read them and 99% don't even know what they are.

Here are links pertaining to the all-important field of allergy and asthma for some companies:

4) United Healthcare: Adult Asthma, Pediatric Asthma, Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment (go to page 5), Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Respiratory Devices (page 7 Flutter valves).
5) Wellpoint for the Blue Choice Managed Medicaid Plan of South Carolina: Allergy Testing,

Have a question about your medical benefits?  Look it up!  Know your rights.  Actually, virtually every person I have met doesn't realize that pharmacies, doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies all have the exact same vote with insurance companies, which is exactly zero.  Patients who pay their premiums have a say and more than all the rest of the above.  So, if you don't like your benefits, WRITE to your insurance company.  The squeaky wheel gets the oil.  Haven't you seen people with cancer who need an operation negotiate their insurance companies into paying for the procedure?
Your Allergy Dude
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