Showing posts with label Cigarette Tax 50 cents higher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cigarette Tax 50 cents higher. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Cigarette Tax in South Carolina has been raised 50 cents!!

Let's hear it for both Houses of State Government in South Carolina!  In a rare sign of unity and common snese, they both overrode the governor's veto and raised the cigarette tax by 50 cents.  Yesterday's Spartanburg Herald Journal Editorial called for permanently indexing the tax to the price of a pack of cigarettes.  In 1977, 33 years ago, when the tax was raised to 7 cents, a pack cost 49 cents, for a 14% tax rate.  Today the average price is $4.83, meaning the price has risen about 900%.  I wholeheartedly support this principle.  Tax is indexed for practically everything else.  Why not, considering the burden that caring for the diseases caused by smoking.  They don't take care of themselves, otherwise they would stop smoking.  I call on both Houses to support this idea and make it state law.  Please for us and our children.
Your Allergy Dude
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