Showing posts with label Size Tube Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Size Tube Medicine. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Size of Tubes of Medicine

Today's note makes a practical point about the size of tubes of medicine. My goal is to help people and health care professionals correctly describe how much dermatologic medicine they have. Pictured right is a 100g tube of a medicine. Note this is 15 cm or 6 inches long.  Not pictured are sample sized tubes, which typically range in the 2g to 5g of medicine (about 1/8th oz.), and are about 2 inches or 5-6 cm long.  When people are prescribed 300g of medicine, often they receive three 100g tubes.  The mid-sized tubes are problematic to me, because they are 5 inches or 11 cm long, 3 cm wide, and usually contain 25-30g (1 oz.) of medicine.  Because of their length, they can be confused with the 100g tubes.
I hope this helps all.  This is not something to ask your Allergy Dude about.
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