Showing posts with label Asthma Adults Financial Burden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asthma Adults Financial Burden. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Burden of Adult Asthma in the U.S. from 2005 Data

Here's a snapshot of adults with asthma from a recently published study by Sullivan PW et al in the February 2011 issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (127; 363-9) on "The burden of adult asthma in the U.S." The article had the following findings (from 2003 & 2005 data):
1. they were significantly less likely to be employed
2. spent 1.4 days more sick days in bed
3. significantly more likely to have activity limitations or to be unable to work
4. additional $1,907 annually for asthma care
5. national medical expenditure for adult asthma $18 billion
6. the largest contributors for expenditures: prescription drugs, inpatient hospitalizations, home health care.
7. more likely to have coverage from Medicaid (30%) then the general adult population (10%)

Conclusions from The Allergy Dude:
1. get properly diagnosed as soon as possible.  (What is the cause of the symptoms?)
2. get treatment appropriate to the severity of the symptoms (Don't over- or under- treat.)
3. maintain long-term & tight control of the inflammation that causes the symptoms (Put the fire out and keep it out!)
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