Showing posts with label Little Allergies Allergen Block Evaluation and Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Allergies Allergen Block Evaluation and Review. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Evaluation of Little Allergies Allergen Block

I have been asked by parents about Little Allergies Allergen Block. They have seen ads for it. This is another product made by the same manufacturer of Allergen Block. I evaluated the latter here. This product is advertised as being for children under the age of 12 years old. I can't find any facts explaining why this product is for children. The description of ingredients is the same on the product's website. Since it contains no chemicals, why is it sold separately? I can't find any product trials in the medical literature or on the Internet. The product costs $14.12 on for 0.06 lbs, equating to a cost of $235.33 per pound. I hope this is very, very effective. Walgreen's lists it for $12.99 for 0.1 oz, equating to $2,078.4 per pound. Both seem a little bit pricey to me. I can't recommend this product without more information.

Do your homework and let the buyer beware. Earlier, I evaluated another similar product named NasalGuard that stated a similar, undocumented mechanism of action,
here. If you are going to put something on your nose, consider a well fitted N95 mask or nose plugs.
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