Showing posts with label Pneumococcal and Influenza Vaccine Sept 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pneumococcal and Influenza Vaccine Sept 2010. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Should Adults get the Pneumococcal Vaccine and This Year's Influenza Vaccines?

I have been asked this more than one dozen times in the past week.  So, short answer: yes for the influenza vaccination, based on the CDC's 2010 guidelines.  There are factors that should be taken into consideration: age of patient, age of first influenza vaccination, history of reaction to prior vaccinations, health conditions like asthma.  Yes for the pneumococcal vaccinations from age 19 years old on up, based on Sept 2010 CDC guidelines.  From 19-64 years old, the presence of "underlying medical conditions that put them at greater risk of serious pneumococcal diseases" include smoking and asthma."  Our office will be giving influenza vaccinations later this month.  Then during the next two months as part of our outreach using preventative medicine, my office will provide influenza vaccinations at a variety of places.  Of course there will be other companies offering influenza vaccinations. Usually the price is about the same.  Get them both if you are a candidate.  I will and you'll see Your Allergy Dude getting his later this month.
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