Showing posts with label Relationship between the Month Aeroallergens (pollen mold) and Rainfall in Greenville South Carolina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship between the Month Aeroallergens (pollen mold) and Rainfall in Greenville South Carolina. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Relationship between the Month, Aeroallergens (pollen, mold), and Rainfall in Greenville, South Carolina

I created this table in response to patient questions about whether the rainfall affected pollen and mold counts. The necessary ingrediants are: hours of daylight, temperature, water, and source of plants or mold. The "best" circumstances for a good pollen season are high temperatures, intermittant heavy rainfall, plentiful living plants, and lots of sunshine.

MonthTree pollenGrass PollenWeed PollenMold sporesNormal Rainfall (")
Marchyesnonoyes5.31, most
Aprilyes, peakyesnoyes3.54, least
Mayyesyes, peaknoyes4.59
Juneno yesnoyes3.92
Septembernonoyes, peakyes3.97

Source: for rainfall, the National Weather Service.

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