Saturday, May 22, 2010

ADAC Goes Greener and The Allergy Dude speaks out about Ozone

Your Allergy Dude has been doing his bit for the environment.  Though I think I was a born recycler, doing Boy Scouts and the Leave No Trace Program has heightened my awareness of being good to our environment.  Yesterday, I set up green bins for recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans at my offices.  This is part of the iRecycle program.  I encourage all businesses and homes to do the same.  In Illinois, if you did not separate your recycleable items from general garbage, you can be fined.  I hear the same about California and Pennsylvania also.  So what's my educational message today?  Take care of the Earth, because it takes good care of you.  On the right, today I spoke at the Upstate Forever's Spartanburg meeting at Hub-Bub Showroom for "The Air We Breath" Program as part of "The Impacts of Air Quality Part 3:AIR is Everywhere."  I focused on the relationship between asthma and ozone.  Watch those high counts during the summer time.


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There should be more co friendly thoughts and more recycling.Good thoughts discussed here.
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Neil Kao said...

Thank you both. I'm flattered by your interest.

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