Sunday, March 21, 2010

Average Rainfall for Greenville, South Carolina over the past 30 Years

This is a great little chart from the National Weather Service.  Sorry that's as specific a reference I can give. The chart lists the average max temp, average min temp, average temp, and average precipitation by month from 1971-2000.

January is the coldest month.  July (not August) is the hottest month.  The most rain is during March (5.31").  The least rain is during April (3.54").  Interesting that the max and min months of rain are next to each other.  We have almost constant level of rain perennially: 4.4" +/- 0.9" each month.  The numbers are scheduled to be recalculated after 2010.  I can't be wonder if the numbers will be going down, given the droughts we've had for years.

For you weather bluffs.

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