Sunday, October 18, 2009

Auto Accidents and Brain Death

I have had the unfortunate experience of having to make visits this weekend to a friend's son, who is alive thanks to life support equipment.  My heart goes out to his parents, his family, and his many friends, who have been keeping a vigil at Greenville Memorial Hospital.  The young man was driving a car on I-85 on last Thursday, when his car was hit by a semi truck, during a period of rain, and went off the road.  (He was wearing his seat belt.)  He had emergency brain surgery, however he has been unresponsive since the accident.  There has been no sign of any brain function.  Now the physician in charge advised that his life support be discontinued.  What words can comfort a parent, family member, or friend at a time like this?  I advised them: prayer, keep breathing, take care of your health, and to please not to allow yourself to be distracted while driving either.  Life is precious.  Give thanks for each day.

Addendum: This young man's wake was today 10/25/09.  It was very moving to hear about what a good young man he was.  I wish his family and friends peace.  NK

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's really a pitiful story. With the development of science and technology, latest brain surgery equipment were introduced to the medical world for treating complicated brain surgeries. Neuro scientists and medical researchers are still making effort to bring in new and more convenient medical equipments to dealt with head injuries.

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