Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cost of Medications in the U.S. is Rising 2

The price of medications has been and will always be an issue. They're not free. I am not saying I like the prices either. My family and I have had a Health Savings Account for medical insurance for 3 years now. This means that we had to pay 100% of whatever the negotiated price, between the insurance company and the insurance company, of the drug is, until we reach the deductible limit of $5,700 per family. There is no copay. Gone. Non-existent.
For my patients with allergies and asthma, many people have been talking to me about the price of Advair. Advair 250/50 retails for about $200 in the U.S. That's a good bit of money in my opinion, but usually worth it, to reduce inflammation, prevent exacerbations, and restore lung function to normal levels. [Aside: I think this about all inhaled corticosteroids.] Here is a
link to the manufacturer's website for patient assistance. I am only trying to facilitate getting meds to those who need them.

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