Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu Epidemic Update 4 Day 6

Some interesting facts for today:
1. I read a report implicating a 5 year old boy in Mexico as "patient zero", the very first patient. It's great that we can identify the process so accurately and quickly. Thanks to modern science! By the way, he is alive and well.
2. The CDC discussed their plans for making a vaccine for swine flu. In short, a widely available vaccine is at least 6 months away, because the process, which includes safety & verification checks, is quite involved.
3. Nationally, eleven states now have confirmed cases of swine flu.
4. Amendment, the CDC reported that South Carolina has ten confirmed cases, making it fourth in the nation. There are also a number of possible cases being investigated.
5. Thankfully, I have only fielded questions about swine flu today. I have not seen any one I'd consider having a high probability of having influenza. I am in our Butler Road office today, which is just about 2 miles down the road from Mauldin High School.
6. Please do preventative precautions all the time.

1 comment:

Neil Kao said...

Thank you Dr. Jacobson! I'm flattered. I did look at your website. Good nutrition is one of the fundamental things I stress to my patients. "You are what you eat."

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