Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009


Now is the time of year to spend some time reflecting on 2008 and your goals for 2009. You are much more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down and look at them periodically. As your wellness advocate, I recommend for 2009 that you strongly consider: eating healthier foods, eating less foods, if you are overweight then try to lose some of the extra weight, getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night, do regular aerobic exercise 4-5 times per week, go to church or meditate frequently, and if you need to then take your medications routinely. This plan will take care of the fundamental pillars in your life: mind, body, and spirit.

This is my plan. Have a Great New Year!! To start it off, my family and I went to Rainbow Falls via the trail in Jones Gap State Park. It was strenuous in parts, but well worth the effort. I hope you can see the rainbows in the first two pictures. Visit the waterfalls in our state. It's a great adventure and they're very closeby.

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