Monday, October 13, 2008

Evaluation of BreathePure

I read about BreathePure today. This is a filter that fits into the nose as plugs, think of porous ear plugs for the nose. I want to commend the manufacturer for showing some of the data concerning BreathePure's filtering ability on their website. The x-axis of the two graphs are not identical. It appears to me that at seven microns, some mold spores, some animal dander, and a slight amount of dust will pass through BreathePure and into the nose. In fairness, I haven't actually used the product, so I can't comment on if it is comfortable. The diameter of BreathePure will be smaller than the nasal opening and this will restrict some airflow. Whether or not this is tolerable will depend on the individual.

In summary, I am not opposed to this product, but it seems more effective to use a certified mask N95, as I described earlier.

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