Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Indacterol Approved for COPD

Indacaterol was approved by the U.S. F.D.A. for the treatment of COPD on 7/1/11.  The trade name is Arcapta Neohaler (photo).  In Europe, the trade name is Onbrez (photo).  Functionly, the delivery device is essentially the same as Foradil's delivery device.  This should not too surprising, since Foradil was originally a product from the same manufacturer - Novartis.  Indacaterol is a once-daily long-acting bronchodilating agent (LABA), which puts it in the same class of drugs including formoterol (Foradil) and salmeterol (Serevent).  Recent controversy regarding the safety of LABAs for asthmatics has stalled Novartis' efforts to get Indacaterol approved for asthma.  Novartis has optioned Indacaterol's rights for asthma to another pharmaceutical company, however then it will be that company's burden to satisfy the FDA's safety concerns with LABA (see prior posts), before the FDA grants approval.  This could be lengthy and definitely expensive hurdle.  The Allergy Dude predicts that it will be quite some time until Indacaterol is approved in any product for asthma.

1 comment:

Daniel Lan said...

“I was walking and my husband was telling me to slow down because he couldn’t keep up with me.”
Denise F. lived with COPD and chronic asthma for many years. When her quality of life continued to decline, Denise decided to try something different.While being with her horses brought her peace and joy, not being able to breathe made spending time with them challenging. When her grandchildren would visit, she couldn’t even participate in their activities.After the herbal recommendation at the ( multivitamincare org ) Denise my best friend no longer needs oxygen or a walker and has seen many improvements. She can walk, clean her house, go shopping, enjoy a vacation, ride her horses, lift hay bales and do anything she wants to do.Now, when her grandchildren visit, they can ride horses together and make wonderful memories. And, Denise wants to lead the way, “I was walking and my husband was telling me to slow down because he couldn’t keep up with me.”
If you or someone you love has COPD, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis or another chronic lung disease and would like to see results like Denise’s, contact them on their website to learn more about your lung disease treatment options how to overcome it.

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