Saturday, July 2, 2011

Have a healthy outing to Toccoa Falls, Georgia

This holiday weekend's healthy lifestyle outing was to Toccoa Falls, GA. Toccoa Falls is 90 minutes away from Greenville. There is a 5 minute walk up to the path from the parking lot. So actually it was easier and faster to go see Toccoa Falls in GA than it was to see Rainbow Falls in SC. For the latter, once you get to Jones Gap's parking lot, there is still a 1-hour hike up a winding path up and another 45-minute hike back down.  Toccoa Falls is 186 feet high, whereas Rainbow Falls is about 90-100 feet.  Not that I'm putting down the latter.  Both are beautiful.  It's great getting up to the base of the falls.  There's a strong cool breeze and fine mist, while the sun is hot.  I felt like I was in the boat visiting Niagra Falls again.  Please get out, be active this holiday weekend, and be safe!
From your Allergy Dude

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