Sunday, April 10, 2011

ALA Fight for Air Climb Greenville 2011

I helped to raise funds for the Upstate Region's branch of American Lung Association by competing in the Fight for Air Climb Greenville 2011 on April 9 Saturday.  My office did a free screening for asthma using spirometry also (photo 1).  After getting sponsors for me to race (fund raising), I got to be timed as I climbed up both of the Liberty One and Two towers, located next to the BiLo Center.  The combined total was 30 flights of stairs.  The weather was warm and sunny.  The stairwells were cold and increasingly steep.
At the 30th story, I was some what out of breath, but not so bad as last year (photo 2).

Keisha Kirkland, Tiffany Haney and I had the honor of presenting awards to the best fundraisers and best times (based on sex, age, teams, fireman with no mask on, fireman with mask on, firemen teams) (photo 3).
Celebrity runner, Levon Kirkland, former football player at Clemson University and for the Pittsburgh Steelers, with a fan, our pollen counter and head nurse, Janice Allen (photo 4).
Addendum 5/5/11
The results are on the American Lung Association's website and in detail here.

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