Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Juice definitions

While researching and checking my updated food families, I came across the idea of juices.  I have been skeptical about labeling of juices for some time.  Some definitions will help.
Fruit juice: the percentage of juice must be stated on the label.  Preferably you'd like 100% fruit juice.
Fruit cocktail or drink: any beverage that contains 1-99% and whose label includes the word "juice", must also include the modifiers "beverage", "cocktail", or "drink".
Blend: indicates that is more than one juice present.
Nectar: "a diluted juice beverage that contains fruit juice or puree, water, and may contain sweetener"

If you want to read the FDA's food labeling guide, click here.  I didn't find this government document to be helpful.
The simplest thing is to read the list of ingredients.  That's what I (the one and only Allergy Dude) do and what I've tried to teach my kids to do.

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