Thursday, May 13, 2010

How many people on the U.S. have food allergies?

I was asked this by a reported for ABC News for a story.  Good question.  The latest data from the Report of the NIH Expert Panel on Food Allergy Research is that 6-8% of children under four years old and 3.7% of adults have a food allergy.  If you are interested in what research the U.S. government is doing or planning on food allergy, read the report.  I was actually pleased to learn about the items in the report.
Your Allergy Dude

1 comment:

Stefosaurus said...

I skimmed through the report and was amazed at the amount of people that food allergies significantly affect! Who knew that there were so many people visiting the emergency room for such symptoms?!

I recently read an article that somewhat relates to the topic. There's a new web-based technology called that can be used in such medical emergencies that's completely HIPAA compliant but gives licensed EMTs access to patients' allergy information. It's a pretty cool technology that I think could make a big splash in the emergency medical care world.

I'm enjoying reading your blog (I have terrible allergies)! Keep up the good work!

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