Sunday, April 18, 2010

Which Inhalers are being Phased out by the FDA?

The speed at which information and misinformation from the Web continues to amaze me.  2 days ago, an elderly patient asked me what new medication will I be prescribing for her, since she had just read that the FDA was banning her current inhaler - Combivent mdi.
The FDA did indeed issue a Consumer Update on 4/13/10.  There is a lot of confusion, that actually the article can help sort out.  It helped me.  I will summarize the article.  All of the following 7 metered dose inhalers use CFC as a propellant.  The first 4 are not being manufactured any more.  By the end of this year, it will be illegal to sell them.  The next 3 (#5-7) are to have manufacturing stopped in the future.  The date that each medication can be sold is listed in parenthesis.
1. Tilade (6/14/10)
2. Alupent (6/14/10)
3. Azmacort (12/31/10)
4. Intal (12/31/10)
5. Aerobid (6/30/11)
6. Combivent (12/31/13)
7. Maxiair Autohaler (12/31/13)
The latter 2 are still actively prescribed.  Don't worry about the supply for now.
Your Allergy Dude

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very nice information
it will be really very helpful to the asthma patient......

This article will help the patient
to select a proper inhaler suggested by the FDA.....

thanks a lot

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