Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mentholated Vapor Inhaler for Nasal Congestion

I was asked today about over-the-counter nasally inhaled medications.  
First, DO NOT USE ANYTHING THAT STATES IT CONTAINS A NASAL SPRAYED DECONGESTANT.  The Food and Drug Administration mandated that all of these products must carry a warning label on the box and the bottle: after 3 days of continuous use, this product can be highly addicting to the nasal lining.  By the 7-10th day, people develop rebound congestion, which means that once the decongestant medication wears off, the patient develops greater congestion (and hence misery) than before.  Often patients resort to spraying more decongestant into their nose for relief.  They have become addicted to the nasally sprayed decongestant.  Vicks spray products for example should be also.  Vicks ointment is fine.

Above is one of two products that contain menthol vapor for inhalation, without any decongestants.
1.  Ayr mentholated vapor inhaler costs $3-5 per container.  Personally I find the menthol helpful at relieving symptoms.
2. The other product is Olbas aromatic inhaler, with which I have no experience.  This costs about the same $3-5.
Disclaimer: I do not own stock in any of the products above, although I've heard that people can make $ selling shorts.  I may give up my non-partisian status in the name of parent-with-children-in-college.  If I do, I'll warn you.
Your Allergy Dude

1 comment:

SantaMedical said...

There are three types of asthma inhalers that use different mechanisms to release the medication. These include metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), MDIs with a spacer, which gives more time to inhale the drug, and dry-powder inhalers – also known as breath-activated Steam Inhalers .

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