Sunday, February 14, 2010

Inhaled Corticosteroids and Growth

Parents ask me frequently about inhaled corticosteroids and growth.  I recommend using inhaled corticosteroids for control of the inflammation causing asthma in the right circumstances.  This position is backed up by the 2007 National Heart, Lung Blood Institute's Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma.  From page 30 of the summary, "In general, the efficacy of ICSs is sufficient to out weigh any concerns about growth or other systemic effects. However, ICSs should be titrated to as low a dose as needed to maintain good control of the child’s asthma, and children receiving ICSs should be monitored for changes in growth by using a stadiometer."  I hope this helps.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Tricky subject for me. My son has been on Advair since last June 2009 and has not grown one centimeter since then. Don't know if it is the Advair or the fact he has been battling sinusitis.

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