Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is Greenville a Great Place to Live?

A new patient is saw this morning brought an issue of AARP magazine to his visit. He finally got in, because he's been putting the visit off and there is increasing demand for my services due the weed pollen season getting into full swing. He asked me if I still thought Greenville, SC was a good place to live. I said it depends. From a retirement perspective, I don't disagree with the September/October magazine article, which ranked Greenville, SC as the second best city to live. I was happy to read this in fact. If you don't have allergies, the answer is YES. If you have allergies, the pollen counts can be high here, as I have documented in prior blog entries. Life can be more difficult if your allergies are not well controlled. That's where an allergist can help, specifically "The Allergy Dude", as I was called by the staff at Milliken today, where I spoke to employees. (It's got a good ring to it.) Even if you have allergies, if you keep the disease activity tightly control, YES, Greenville can be great place to live.

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