Thursday, July 16, 2009

Highlights from the Expert Panel Report-3 on Asthma

These are some points I have taken from the latest National Heart, Lung, and Blood Instititute's Expert Panel Report-3 on Asthma.

Areas to emphasize:
1. assessment and monitoring
2. education and partnership
3. control of environmental factors and comorbid conditions
4. use of medications.

Control must be monitored by their physician at every asthma visits.
They should be reminded to see their physician regularly and not just when they are having problems or experiencing an exacerbation.

Their are two domains asthma control is measured: 1) impairment, which is what is happening at the time of the current visit; 2) risk, particularly of exacerbations, loss of lung function over time, and adverse effects with long-term medication use.

1. Establishing an accurate diagnosis is essential.
2. Successful management depends on a comprehensive approach.
3. Assessment of severity determines initial therapy.
4. Monitoring of control determines ongoing therapy.
5. A stepwise approach should be used for initial and ongoing therapy.
6. Effective control includes managing special situations.
7. Managing exacerbations is an important part of asthma care.

A sample written asthma action care plan can be found on the website of the Regional Asthma Management and Prevention Initiative.

1 comment:

Ellyah said...

Nice post about "Highlights from the Expert Panel Report-3 on Asthma"


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