Saturday, May 23, 2009

Swine Flu Epidemic Update 16 Day 29

The number of confirmed cases continues to rise in the U.S. South Carolina has held steady at 36 cases for some time, knock on wood (my head, my wife says). 9 deaths from 6,552 cases as of 5/23/09. Go to post Update 11 to see my chart.

I read an interesting theory. They proposed the great pandemic of 1918 was of type H1N1 also. There was a tremendous death toll. In subsequent years, with the same type, the death toll fell. Then another type became predominant. H1N1 may have come back about 30-40 years ago. So older adults were exposed to the H1N1, which may explain why they seem to be more resistant. The deaths are in younger adults and children. We'll see.

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