Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trigger Factors of Atopic Dermatitis

1. Certain soaps, perfumes and shampoos (a special soap for hair and scalp)

2. Wool clothing and scratchy fabrics

3. Your own sweat and saliva

4. Plants and pollen

5. Stress

6. Chlorine and other chemicals, excess soap use

7. Changes in season

8. Pet dander

9. Certain foods

10. Skin infections, for which a specific antibiotic may be necessary to effectively kill the bacteria.

11. Poor skin care from insufficient use of: scent-free and dye-free lotions or medications for atopic dermatitis.

If your atopic dermatitis is getting worse, try to objectively look at these triggers in your life. I often end up counseling patients or parents about reducing their exposures to triggers, better skin care, or more routine use of medications. If you are unclear, ask you doctor...

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