Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Instructions for Pet Dander Avoidance


· The most effective treatment for alleviating pet allergies is, of course, finding another home for the pet. Some people are not willing to part with their pets even if they are allergic. We therefore provide information to help decrease allergen exposure as follows.

· Keep your pet out of your bedroom and off of the furniture.

· Remove carpeting or spray with a denaturing solution to deactivate pet allergies.

· Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Pet allergens can pass through standard vacuum cleaner bags.

· Use efficient vent and furnace filters to prevent allergens from being circulated through the duct system.

· Use of air cleaners can help filter some of the pet allergens from the air.

· “Swiffer” brooms are good for cleaning up pet allergens from floors, and the cloths can be used for dusting furniture.

· There is a line of products made for shampooing pets and cleaning carpet and surfaces to help control pet allergens. Many of these products can be purchased in our allergy store at the Butler Rd. office.

This is a copy of the handout we give to patients who have been diagnosed with an allergy to pet dander or who are interested in learning about pet dander avoidance.

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