Friday, August 22, 2008

Can vaccinations cause allergic diseases or asthma?

This is a good, relevant and interesting question. I was just asked this morning by concerned parents of a six month old girl who has been ill with ear infections and "bronchitis." They had heard that ingredients in the vaccines could activate allergic diseases. They did not want to give her the MMR, measles-mumps-rubella, vaccination.

My initial response was NO to the best of my knowledge. After I researched available medical articles, journals, and text books, my answer remained the same, NO. On the other hand, the number of children who get measles is rising, because of global travel and because more parents are refusing to get their children vaccinated. Measles is a harmful and potentially fatal, viral infection. (Take it from a live witness, during my medical school training days at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.) So there is great risk in not getting vaccinated. Every preventative health agency around the world recommends the vaccine. The vaccine is safe. After listening to the parents concerns, based on these facts, I strongly recommended they have their daughter vaccinated.

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